Let me commence by saying that I am the furthest thing from an expert on taking photos. This entire blog/site is not to share my "gifts" or anything of that nature, I am realistic about my abilities and limitations. So, with the knowledge that I'm not overconfident in this area, I absolutely understand if you read this next paragraph a little askance.
To try and get my name out there when I was running the side photography business, I started writing a couple of articles for Digital Photography School. You know, with advice for novice photographers - a group into which I firmly fell. But go big or go home, right?
I have a bio and everything that's still up from these articles I wrote a million years ago. The first article is about event photography. The article is cleverly named "Tips for Getting Started Doing Event Photography;" I know you are impressed with the creativity. I think I may have tried to throw something more pun-ny on there, they were looking for straightforward, and I understood the assignment. The article just gives some suggestions on how to break into working at events, and some loose suggestions on how to work events without annoying people. Here are a few of the photos featured in the article:
The other article is also named with a ton of pizazz: "How to do Lifestyle Newborn Photography." I feel confident that I capitalized the word "Do" in the title when I sent it to DPS, and there are a few typos contained in each of these articles that were not in the originals, but alas. (I think that's the first time I've used "alas" in a sentence.) Anyway. Here are a few of the photos in that article, void of context:
I stopped writing any articles for the website just because I was doing the actual side business at the time, and I didn't have a ton of spare time. But it was fun and a unique experience.