After we finished touring the Palace, Lisa and I spent the rest of the day walking about a bit, grabbing some lunch, and then riding the Tootbus around to see the town in the most efficient manner possible.
What is a Tootbus, you ask? It's basically a hop-on-hop-off tour bus that follows a prescribed circuit of mostly tourist-y things. There are several companies who do this in London, so obviously after I made sure prices were fairly equal among them, we chose the one with "Toot" in the name. (I'd like to note at this juncture that I am a publicly-elected official. Anyway.)
Here are just a very few photos from both atop and inside the double-decker Tootbus. We had to switch places several times due to just so much rain.
Just in case you're interested, and I don't really expect you to be - I much prefer the UK to France, based off of my now five to seven days in each (which is a tiny little drop in the bucket). There are plethora reasons, and I'm sure many would disagree, but that's my power ranking of the two.
Having never been to Europe in my uneducated opinion, Paris is better than London. There isn't a show called Emily in London. Game. Set. Match.
My favorite picture is of the old neighborhood with the eye in the background. Did you ride the Eye?