I'm taking a super-brief break from posting about travel to feature a poppy field that was planted in south Ames this past summer. Poppies are not at all indigenous to central Iowa, and it's been a bucket list item of mine to see a poppy field - so this was such a happy coincidence! I went and visited three main times for myself (one additional time for some photos for some friends), so I'll post each visit's photos separately, as they were at different times of day.
In my opinion, Day 1 was the least impressive. I went at lunchtime, so it was full-sun. I also only had time to go to one section of the field, not the part that extended back and was more robust.
Below are a few of the photos from Day 1. Fun fact - I've known for some time that I'm allergic to morphine. This was the day I remembered that poppies produces opium, of which morphine is a derivative - the full-body rash and horrible sinuses were my first clue. One or two of the photos below will really indicate why it had an effect.